you’re ready to live boldly as the magickal being you are.

let the cards show you the way

welcome, brave and beautiful seeker.

i know you’re a powerful, magickal being.

so what’s stopping you from living your most magickal life?

Nine of Petals was originally dreamt up in the Summer of 2020 in an effort to share the life-affirming gift of learning one’s Enneagram type with the world. Later that year when I integrated witchcraft into my life, a connection became clear - divination through Tarot, the Enneagram, and spellcraft are all tools that helped me to get to know, and love, myself better. They helped me build trust in myself, and in my ability to bring my dreams to fruition. Simply put, they improved my life and my happiness greatly, and brought me to a place of freedom that I could only dream of before. It is my mission now to guide you along the path to deeply rooted self-knowledge and self-trust, too.

I offer Tarot readings and Enneagram typing sessions to connect you deeply with your intuition. Whether you sought me out because you’re in search of some clarity in your life, have a big decision to make, or simply want to shake things up a little bit and try something new, it is my honor to lead you into deeper connection with your innate wisdom through a variety of witchy modalities.



Live Tarot Readings

Come and get a private in-person reading with me at Bear Hands in Apex, NC!

30 min - $30


the CARDS haVE been waiting for you to ask.

Whether you have a big decision to make, are struggling with a relationship, want to get to know yourself better, or anything else, I’ll channel the multitude of support that is waiting for you and deliver clear, helpful guidance through the cards.

I offer 30, 60 and 90 minute Tarot readings where we’ll pull an unlimited number of cards to explore the topics and queries on your mind.


knowing yourself is your power to bloom.

The Enneagram is a personality typing structure consisting of nine distinct personality types. In a typing session, I'll take you through a guided exploration of the Enneagram, and coach you through the process of determining your type. You'll walk away knowing yourself better, loving yourself deeper, and with practical insights to integrate into the magickal life you're building just for you.

I offer 60 minute typing sessions where I'll guide you through the process of determining your Enneagram type, while also pulling Tarot cards to channel helpful wisdom.


Hi! I’m Cam, your local Witch - I’m here to meet and love you where you are, and delve into the realm of possibility with you.

I’m a creative: a musician, writer, artist and Aquarian weirdo. You’ll find me celebrating Halloween and all things spooky every day of the year, and dying my hair almost as often. Most days, I spend my time reading fantasy novels, tending to my garden, writing and recording music, and being a human with a day job.

I love connecting with anyone who is interested in building a life that feels more like the life you dream of, and I believe that all starts with getting to know yourself at a core level, and developing deep-self trust. That’s what we’ll use the cards to do - I can’t wait to meet you!


  • We’ll take a few minutes to discuss what prompted you to seek out a reading, and set expectations for what guidance you’d like to receive from the cards.

    My readings aren’t based on a certain number of cards we’ll pull or a certain Tarot spread; rather, they are based on length of time alone. The number of cards pulled during our time together will be entirely customized to you and your inquiry/what you’re seeking to explore. 

    I trust your intuition in reaching out to me, and I believe deeply in the innate power you possess. It is my mission to leave you feeling more grounded in the knowledge that you have all you need already, to live out the most authentic life you can imagine. 

  • You can bring anything from your life to the Tarot. If you’re living it, Tarot can help.

    Some prompts to consider: Is there something you’re looking for clarity on? A relationship, a job offer, moving into a new home? Was there a journal prompt that got you particularly curious, or are you interested in getting to know yourself on deeper level? Do you have a decision to make, and want to align with your power to feel confident in your decision? Do you simply want to look ahead to the next month or year of your life and find out what to be on the lookout for? We can explore all this and more during a reading.

    *I am unable to provide readings on legal or medical matters.

  • No! You may notice I spell “magick” this way through out my site, and this is to distinguish the kind of magic that I practice from that of a guy in a tux pulling a rabbit out of a top hat. :)

    The magick I believe in is my ability to tune into the energies that are all around us, and to manipulate those (using my own energy and other tools) to achieve a desired outcome. My witchcraft is a spooky and spiritual take on modern psychology and provable science.

    Whatever you believe is entirely up to you, and you can take your Tarot reading with as large of a grain of salt as you’d like! During our reading, I’ll believe for us both that the wisdom the cards offer always serves and aligns you with your most badass self.

  • Oh yes! If you already know your type but have never worked with a coach, we’ll spend the session in two parts.

    First, solidifying your type - sometimes, working with a coach can offer presentations of types and deeper insights that aren’t offered by online quizzes and other typing exercises. Then, we’ll delve into your triads, wings, and all the other juicy stuff the Enneagram offers with tons of real-life application for how you can leverage this self-knowledge to improve your life and relationships.

  • My goal is always to provide you with more perspective and clarity on your inquiry, and I take pride in delivering that in every reading!

    For clear “YES or NO” questions, these are a bit more subjective! Sometimes, the cards jump out with a clear answer based on how things are in that moment (yes, you can still change that outcome if you don’t like it!).

    And sometimes, the cards simply reflect pieces of the situation back to you, showing you where to direct your focus and where to shift your approach - rather than a yes or no, sometimes the cards give us a “try this for now, and see if the answer then comes to YOU.”

    I see you as an innately powerful being, who ultimately knows what is best for you; I hold the space where that is plainly true, and then I deliver the messages to help YOU embody this truth too, and enter into sacred self-trust.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have a question that isn’t answered here, want to book me as a Tarot reader at your event, want to connect locally, or other business inquiries.